Authored Works

I practice what I preach to my clients by living the writer life every day. Here are a few of my own published books.

A teaser excerpt from Gina's book, Everything Matters, Nothing Matters:

“So, what are you going for, enlightenment?” a wise man (wise guy?) asked me while we were chatting at a work-related cocktail party. Talk about “integration.” There I stood, tipsy with a wine buzz, all dolled up in pink lipstick and high heels, waxing rhapsodic about the allure of communing with Spirit. And this simple, humble man, a Christian mystic—a self-professed carp out of water at this Hollywood gig whom I’d watched work the room like the Clintons at the Democratic National Convention—getting all over my shit about me wanting to find my Holy Grail.

“Do you even KNOW what you’re going for?” he prodded. “Do you?” Woo wee. It was a fair question. I was in a mood to hear myself answer it.

“No, I’m not really going for enlightenment. Of what use is that to me now? That’s the Big O, the cosmic climax. What stirs me most is the pre-O, living in the splendor of becoming, the full flush of adventure and emergence, where anything is possible, and where I can screw up and even get screwed, in the figurative sense, if need be  sort of like Anaïs Nin in Henry and June, don’t you think?”

“How should I know? You’re the writer.”

Okay, I had gone a bit far, and he was having a hostile moment at my expense. I granted him that but couldn’t resist extending the metaphor. “Yeah, that book is about her erotic awakening, how she wants to bite into life and be torn by it, how she swallows the laughter of her lover like bread and wine. Only replace sex with Spirit, lover with Beloved, promiscuity with piety. Life is my unexpurgated spiritual diary, my rendezvous with full-frontal consciousness.”

“Huh. You’re speaking of love. Is it possible that you and God are having an affair?”

“How should I know? You’re the mystic.”

Gina Mazza

Essential Astonishments

Poetic Reflections for Awakening

There is a reality we all search for—one of true insight, where we feel the inner glow of connection to God, nature and life in all its splendor.

Essential Astonishments answers the soul’s longing to speak with intimacy about the bliss and bewilderment of the human experience. This provocative collection of mystic poetry holds nothing back in elucidating the awe of being alive, facing the shadow, moving through pain, and arriving at a place of reverence for the simplest things.

Some of the poems read as though rendered straight from the voice of our Creator. Others are the poets’ personal testimonies to the higher meaning of faith, love, truth, grief, dignity, death, presence, home, ambition, inwardness, beauty, belonging, freedom, prayer, poetry itself—and, ultimately, awakening.

Altogether, these poems deliver an insistent call to action at this epochal time in human history. Each verse encourages us to come to a place of honesty within ourselves and prioritize what is essential.

Turn off your devices, open to any page, and dissolve into the flame of revelation, while inviting these words to purify your senses and illumine your heart.

Essential Astonishments

poetic reflections for awakening
Now available

Everything Matters, Nothing Matters:

Dare to Live with Exquisite Calm, Euphoric Creativity and Divine Clarity

Written in elegant yet accessible prose that is vivid, honest and flushed with a sense of wonder, this book’s seven overarching concepts applies to anyone who desires to stoke the fire of being fully alive. Follow its wisdom, and it will lead you to a gift beyond measure: You will know who you are, with the freedom to be it. You will know what you want, with the daring to go for it.

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St. Lynn’s Press
ISBN: 978-0-9767631-8-5

Praise for Everything Matters, Nothing Matters

Spiritual seeker extraordinaire, Gina gracefully explains how to simultaneously live life and observe it.

At once deeply personal and utterly profound, Gina has comprehended the spectrum of the spiritual life. To read this book is to be initiated onto the path where Essence meets our everyday existence and we truly know ourselves for the first time. 

renowned philosopher, mythologist, human potential expert

Everything Matters, Nothing Matters presents a wonderful opportunity to explore the world of intent, intuition, ceremony, karma, healing and harmony. The process, and the discussion it will inspire, is fascinating. 

author of Coyote Medicine and Narrative Medicine,
Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Psychiatry,
University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine

Everything Matters, Nothing Matters shows us what is necessary and desirable in order to be fully alive: turning within, so that we can achieve forgiveness of others and ourselves. When we learn that – truly – nothing matters, our hearts open and our lives are transformed.

author of Your Immortal Reality and the bestselling The Disappearance of the Universe

EARTH without "ART" is just "EH"

Gina Mazza

Gina's Readers Speak

Gina Mazza | Romancing the Future

Findhorn Press
ISBN: 978-1-84409-129-4

Romancing the Future

Judy Julin with Gina Mazza

In this wild romp of a memoir, Gina teams up with whimsical author Judy Julin. Readers cannot help but fall in love with Julin as she bares the details of her genuinely touching and often laugh-out-loud-funny adventures from the madness of a spontaneous spiritual awakening, to Hollywood via a psychiatric ward, marriage, bankruptcy and divorce—to her subsequent emergence as a fearless entrepreneur who created a new paradigm business model founded on spiritual principles.

Gina Mazza | The Highest and the Best

Xlibris Corp.
ISBN: 978-0738841892

The Highest and The Best:

A Gifted Healer's Vision of Third-Millennium Medicine and Humanity's Intuitive Evolution

Sallie Christensen with Gina Mazza

This book, published in 2000, was ahead of its time and continues to be relevant today. Speaking from the heart, intuitive healer Sallie Christensen shares through Gina how the healing/medical field will look in the future—which has indeed come to pass. She invites readers to explore the use of intuition as medicine that can be used — either by gifted healers or anyone interested in self-healing — to bring optimal wellness to the body, mind and spirit.


by Gina Mazza

to surface the subconscious
to burn all battlefields
to embolden hearts
to reveal false idols
to abolish oppression
to collapse systems of inequity
to sober up the egotists
to course-correct our value exchange
to inspire sustainable innovations

to level the playing field
to call out atrocities
to shrive away nonessentials
to incite rightful action
to unseal unspoken oaths
to shed light on dark corners of deception
to cease the degradation
to empower the people
to catalyze compassion

to shatter illusions of separateness
to renounce seductions of fame
to unearth holy ground
to transfigure grief
to birth a new humanity
to create heaven on earth

the above world is on its way
open your eyes
wait for the good


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